Ian Allinson for Unite General Secretary hits the road

Nominations open on Monday and the campaign is hotting up. Here are details of how to nominate Ian Allinson for Unite General Secretary.

Ian will be on the picket line at his workplace 7-10am on Thursday 12th, Friday 13th and Monday 16th January as part of the strike for pay, pensions and job security at Fujitsu. The picket is at Fujitsu, Central Park, Northampton Road, Manchester, M40 5BP. There’s more information on the dispute online.

At 6pm on Thursday Ian will be attending a hustings at Nightingale Hall, Rolls Royce Leisure in Derby.

Supporters of the campaign to elect Ian Allinson as Unite General Secretary are beginning to set up meetings round the country too. These offer an opportunity to meet the candidate, discuss the issues and how you can get involved in the campaign. Leaflets will be available for collection and distribution.

At 12:30pm on Saturday Ian will be speaking at a London campaign launch meeting at St Margaret’s House, 21 Old Ford Rd, Bethnal Green, London E2 9PL. Nearest tube is Bethnal Green. Doors open at 12:00. There’s a Facebook event you can join, share and invite people to.

At 4pm on Saturday Ian will be speaking at a Cambridge campaign meeting at CB2 Cafe, 5-7 Norfolk Street, Cambridge, CB1 2LD. Again, there’s a Facebook event.

Ian is keen to speak at as many branches and workplaces as possible over the coming weeks, both to explain how he believes Unite can be improved, and to hear members’ experiences and ideas. If you’d like to invite Ian then please get in touch.

This all costs money. Unlike the two establishment candidates, Ian is not a well paid union employee and he doesn’t have rich and powerful backers. Funding a campaign himself would be beyond his reach – even if he wasn’t on strike! If you can contribute towards the campaign costs, please do. All donations will be receipted and any member can inspect the campaign finances.

If you want to get involved in the campaign, please leave your details here.